KMyMoney 4.6.6 - unable to delete or edit a transaction.
Joe Harrington
2018-06-04 22:06:35 UTC
Being a newbee, I can't chime in on Eric's real problem, but I noticed
Eric is using an old verison because he obtained it from ubuntu, I am
using the current version with Kubuntu (18.04). I think I got it in a
debian package but it installed and works just fine.

Joe Harrington
Hi Jack,
I did say, I opened the closed account. However the "move" is grayed
out too.
The "move" is available in account A1 but it just moves the origin,
not the destination.
Maybe. Can you reopen that closed account?  If so, then you should be
able to go to it's ledger, right click on the transaction, and "move"
it to the correct account.  Then re-close the old account. No need to
delete and recreate the transaction.
If that doesn't work, I'll wait for Thomas' suggestion, and maybe he
will have an idea why it allowed you to create a transfer to a closed
account.  In addition, in theory, if you hover over the transaction,
I think you really should get a tooltip saying something like "Unable
to edit transaction for account 'name of closed account' which is
Hi Jack,
Sorry about the name confusion.
From your suggestions I have found what has caused the problem but
cannot rectify it.
It also has a name confusion! Last year I had a savings account (now
closed) with a name almost identical to the name of the account B1.
In fact I had to edit the account name to differentiate it
 It appears that I made the transfer from A1 to the closed account
and it was accepted without error.
I opened all accounts and found the £500 transfer in the closed
account. However, I cannot delete it from A1 or the closed account.
Are you able to assist now we know the cause?
Hi Jack,
That was Thomas, although we both try to help. :-)  Your answers to
my questions also helped clarify the situation, although not what
is actually wrong.
In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows as
a Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed
correctly. I am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I
have also noticed that in addition to the grayed out Transfer
pop-up list, the options above the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal
are all grayed out except for New.
In the context menu, below the move and mark entries, there should
also be two entries like "Go to B1" in one case showing the payee
(Pay To) and the other case (Transfer To) being the account to
which the funds should have gone.  If either of those are present,
select them (one separate try for each) to see where it takes you. 
If neither is present, I'm a bit at a loss.
I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a problem
with correctly entering Transfers.
Could I have created a black hole?
Unlikely, but it appears that although the correct account shows in
the "Transfer to" field, the money has not shown up there.
One other place to look - in the Payees view, select the payee
shown in the Pay To field (in case it wasn't on the context menu)
and see how the transaction looks there.  See what the context menu
(right click) looks like there also.
When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool
tip. No tool tip appears in this case.
The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was
created on 1/6/20
When was account B1 created?
I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data
is consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if
your latest version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the old
One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the money
to the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all of the
accounts held in the bank are reconciled with those in KMM. I
could bodge the result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.
Just in case, go to the Accounts view and see if there might be an
"extra" account present you didn't know about.  I don't think you
will find one, but clearly things are not behaving how we think
they should, and it's easy enough to look.
Hi Eric,
see my comments inline below
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly.
It is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets
are £500
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500
gone missing in KMM!
That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not
have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when
this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category
field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in
red and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be
shown in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the
category must have something in it (thanks to double-entry
accounting I am very sure about this).
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making
the Assets
total correct.
Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not
appear in
the other in KMM.
Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no
such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
As  said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options'
list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which
are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and
edit are
grayed out.
This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse button.
This opens the so called context menu for the transaction.
Hovering means to move the mouse over the transaction and then
waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear. It could be, that
nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney identifies a
problem it will tell you in this tool-tip.
On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the
transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the
account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting
Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why
KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500
transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all
entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also,
why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
check". It opens ok again without any change.
See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually and
KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about 4.6.6
right now) runs it automatically as part of the save operation.
If you run it manually I expect it not to show any problems.
In case all this does not help, please let us know what you found
out while looking at the various things I mentioned above. We
will get you going.
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment
transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it
so the
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank
does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1.
However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do.  If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra?  Also, since KMM
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction,
we have
to figure out why.  If it will let you move or mark it, then it
should let you edit or delete.  If you just hover the mouse
over the
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition?  If you save the file, does the consistency check
show any
error about that transaction?
Eric Watson
2018-06-05 12:50:08 UTC
Hi Thomas,

To 'open' the account I follow the following procedure:

1. Click 'View' in the list of options above the 'Financial Summary'

2. In the drop down list I select 'Show all accounts'

From there I thought I could mange the bad account.

Following your suggestions I was able to access the entry and found that
the 'Transactions options' menu entries were all available. I decided to
delete the transaction and remake it, pointing to the correct open
account B1 this time. That worked correctly.

I thank all for the assistance given.

In respect of the 'old' version I am using, perhaps you can advise?

As I said, I am using Linux  Ubuntu xubuntu and download all packages
from their distributions which results in updates and security being
dealt with by them.

Joe is also using Linux, a Debian version and now has a working new version.

In respect of version 4.8.2, when I go to the relevant web page, under
that heading I see:

"Binary packages are available from related Linux distributions and for
32 and 64 bit Windows from the KDEdownload mirror network

When I access that mirror network I find only src/, win32/ and win64/
are available. I do not see any Linux distribution.

I dual boot Windows 10 but avoid using it.

Hi Eric,
me again. So my idea of a closed account was in the right direction. I am glad that there is a logical explanation.
When you say, you opened the account, do you mean you selected the ledger view for this account? That is not, what Jack meant. A closed account needs to be re-opened before you can modify transactions in it.
- select the accounts view and right click on the closed account
- select "Reopen account"
- continue by selecting the ledger of this re-opened account,
- right click on the transaction which should not belong there
- select "Move to" and the account you want to have it in.
Now the balance of this (re-opened) account should be zero again and you can close it (using Account/Close) once more.
Hope this helps. If not, please let us know. We are very close to the solution of your problem.
I wonder why you were able to enter this transaction in the first place. Newer versions won't allow you to do that.
Hi Jack,
I did say, I opened the closed account. However the "move" is grayed out
The "move" is available in account A1 but it just moves the origin, not
the destination.
Maybe. Can you reopen that closed account? If so, then you should be
able to go to it's ledger, right click on the transaction, and "move"
it to the correct account. Then re-close the old account. No need to
delete and recreate the transaction.
If that doesn't work, I'll wait for Thomas' suggestion, and maybe he
will have an idea why it allowed you to create a transfer to a closed
account. In addition, in theory, if you hover over the transaction, I
think you really should get a tooltip saying something like "Unable to
edit transaction for account 'name of closed account' which is closed."
Hi Jack,
Sorry about the name confusion.
From your suggestions I have found what has caused the problem but
cannot rectify it.
It also has a name confusion! Last year I had a savings account (now
closed) with a name almost identical to the name of the account B1.
In fact I had to edit the account name to differentiate it
It appears that I made the transfer from A1 to the closed account
and it was accepted without error.
I opened all accounts and found the £500 transfer in the closed
account. However, I cannot delete it from A1 or the closed account.
Are you able to assist now we know the cause?
Hi Jack,
That was Thomas, although we both try to help. :-) Your answers to
my questions also helped clarify the situation, although not what is
actually wrong.
In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows as
a Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed
correctly. I am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I have
also noticed that in addition to the grayed out Transfer pop-up
list, the options above the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal are all
grayed out except for New.
In the context menu, below the move and mark entries, there should
also be two entries like "Go to B1" in one case showing the payee
(Pay To) and the other case (Transfer To) being the account to which
the funds should have gone. If either of those are present, select
them (one separate try for each) to see where it takes you. If
neither is present, I'm a bit at a loss.
I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a problem
with correctly entering Transfers.
Could I have created a black hole?
Unlikely, but it appears that although the correct account shows in
the "Transfer to" field, the money has not shown up there.
One other place to look - in the Payees view, select the payee shown
in the Pay To field (in case it wasn't on the context menu) and see
how the transaction looks there. See what the context menu (right
click) looks like there also.
When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool tip.
No tool tip appears in this case.
The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was
created on 1/6/20
When was account B1 created?
I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data is
consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if your
latest version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the old version.
One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the money
to the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all of the
accounts held in the bank are reconciled with those in KMM. I could
bodge the result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.
Just in case, go to the Accounts view and see if there might be an
"extra" account present you didn't know about. I don't think you
will find one, but clearly things are not behaving how we think they
should, and it's easy enough to look.
Hi Eric,
see my comments inline below
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It
is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
gone missing in KMM!
That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not
have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when
this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category
field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in red
and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be shown
in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the category
must have something in it (thanks to double-entry accounting I am
very sure about this).
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the
total correct.
Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not
appear in
the other in KMM.
Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no
such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
As said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options'
list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which
are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and
edit are
grayed out.
This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse button.
This opens the so called context menu for the transaction.
Hovering means to move the mouse over the transaction and then
waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear. It could be, that
nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney identifies a problem
it will tell you in this tool-tip.
On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the
transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the
account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting
Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why
KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500
transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all
entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place correctly.
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also,
why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
check". It opens ok again without any change.
See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually and
KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about 4.6.6
right now) runs it automatically as part of the save operation. If
you run it manually I expect it not to show any problems.
In case all this does not help, please let us know what you found
out while looking at the various things I mentioned above. We will
get you going.
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment
transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank
does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1.
However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do. If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra? Also, since KMM follows
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction,
we have
to figure out why. If it will let you move or mark it, then it
should let you edit or delete. If you just hover the mouse over
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition? If you save the file, does the consistency check
show any
error about that transaction?
Thomas Baumgart
2018-06-05 13:10:51 UTC
Post by Eric Watson
Hi Thomas,
1. Click 'View' in the list of options above the 'Financial Summary'
2. In the drop down list I select 'Show all accounts'
From there I thought I could mange the bad account.
Following your suggestions I was able to access the entry and found that
the 'Transactions options' menu entries were all available. I decided to
delete the transaction and remake it, pointing to the correct open
account B1 this time. That worked correctly.
Cool. We got it working.
Post by Eric Watson
I thank all for the assistance given.
In respect of the 'old' version I am using, perhaps you can advise?
As I said, I am using Linux Ubuntu xubuntu and download all packages
from their distributions which results in updates and security being
dealt with by them.
Joe is also using Linux, a Debian version and now has a working new version.
I am not a debian user so I can't give hints on what to do on those distros.
Post by Eric Watson
In respect of version 4.8.2, when I go to the relevant web page, under
"Binary packages are available from related Linux distributions and for
32 and 64 bit Windows from the KDEdownload mirror network
When I access that mirror network I find only src/, win32/ and win64/
are available. I do not see any Linux distribution.
Yes, for Linux distros we provide source code and the distro mainainers package them to installable binaries. The KMyMoney maintainer for the 4.8 branch decided to provide windows binaries as well.
Post by Eric Watson
I dual boot Windows 10 but avoid using it.
I am unsure in what state the windows version is atm so you should try to get an updated *buntu package. Maybe another user can be of help here while maintaining a fallback onto the current version.

Best regards

Post by Eric Watson
Hi Eric,
me again. So my idea of a closed account was in the right direction. I am glad that there is a logical explanation.
When you say, you opened the account, do you mean you selected the ledger view for this account? That is not, what Jack meant. A closed account needs to be re-opened before you can modify transactions in it.
- select the accounts view and right click on the closed account
- select "Reopen account"
- continue by selecting the ledger of this re-opened account,
- right click on the transaction which should not belong there
- select "Move to" and the account you want to have it in.
Now the balance of this (re-opened) account should be zero again and you can close it (using Account/Close) once more.
Hope this helps. If not, please let us know. We are very close to the solution of your problem.
I wonder why you were able to enter this transaction in the first place. Newer versions won't allow you to do that.
Hi Jack,
I did say, I opened the closed account. However the "move" is grayed out
The "move" is available in account A1 but it just moves the origin, not
the destination.
Maybe. Can you reopen that closed account? If so, then you should be
able to go to it's ledger, right click on the transaction, and "move"
it to the correct account. Then re-close the old account. No need to
delete and recreate the transaction.
If that doesn't work, I'll wait for Thomas' suggestion, and maybe he
will have an idea why it allowed you to create a transfer to a closed
account. In addition, in theory, if you hover over the transaction, I
think you really should get a tooltip saying something like "Unable to
edit transaction for account 'name of closed account' which is closed."
Hi Jack,
Sorry about the name confusion.
From your suggestions I have found what has caused the problem but
cannot rectify it.
It also has a name confusion! Last year I had a savings account (now
closed) with a name almost identical to the name of the account B1.
In fact I had to edit the account name to differentiate it
It appears that I made the transfer from A1 to the closed account
and it was accepted without error.
I opened all accounts and found the £500 transfer in the closed
account. However, I cannot delete it from A1 or the closed account.
Are you able to assist now we know the cause?
Hi Jack,
That was Thomas, although we both try to help. :-) Your answers to
my questions also helped clarify the situation, although not what is
actually wrong.
In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows as
a Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed
correctly. I am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I have
also noticed that in addition to the grayed out Transfer pop-up
list, the options above the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal are all
grayed out except for New.
In the context menu, below the move and mark entries, there should
also be two entries like "Go to B1" in one case showing the payee
(Pay To) and the other case (Transfer To) being the account to which
the funds should have gone. If either of those are present, select
them (one separate try for each) to see where it takes you. If
neither is present, I'm a bit at a loss.
I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a problem
with correctly entering Transfers.
Could I have created a black hole?
Unlikely, but it appears that although the correct account shows in
the "Transfer to" field, the money has not shown up there.
One other place to look - in the Payees view, select the payee shown
in the Pay To field (in case it wasn't on the context menu) and see
how the transaction looks there. See what the context menu (right
click) looks like there also.
When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool tip.
No tool tip appears in this case.
The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was
created on 1/6/20
When was account B1 created?
I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data is
consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if your
latest version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the old version.
One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the money
to the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all of the
accounts held in the bank are reconciled with those in KMM. I could
bodge the result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.
Just in case, go to the Accounts view and see if there might be an
"extra" account present you didn't know about. I don't think you
will find one, but clearly things are not behaving how we think they
should, and it's easy enough to look.
Hi Eric,
see my comments inline below
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It
is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
gone missing in KMM!
That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not
have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when
this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category
field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in red
and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be shown
in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the category
must have something in it (thanks to double-entry accounting I am
very sure about this).
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the
total correct.
Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not
appear in
the other in KMM.
Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no
such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
As said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options'
list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which
are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and
edit are
grayed out.
This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse button.
This opens the so called context menu for the transaction.
Hovering means to move the mouse over the transaction and then
waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear. It could be, that
nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney identifies a problem
it will tell you in this tool-tip.
On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the
transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the
account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting
Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why
KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500
transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all
entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place correctly.
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also,
why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
check". It opens ok again without any change.
See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually and
KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about 4.6.6
right now) runs it automatically as part of the save operation. If
you run it manually I expect it not to show any problems.
In case all this does not help, please let us know what you found
out while looking at the various things I mentioned above. We will
get you going.
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment
transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank
does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1.
However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do. If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra? Also, since KMM follows
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction,
we have
to figure out why. If it will let you move or mark it, then it
should let you edit or delete. If you just hover the mouse over
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition? If you save the file, does the consistency check
show any
error about that transaction?

Thomas Baumgart

https://www.telegram.org/ Telegram, the better WhatsApp
Laziness led to the invention of the most useful tools.
Eric Watson
2018-06-05 13:43:31 UTC
Well, they say Google is your field lol!

I decided to look at the /src with a view to compiling it myself but in
doing so I came across:


This has packages for my flavour of Ubuntu!

I post it here in case it helps anyone else following this thread.

Post by Thomas Baumgart
Post by Eric Watson
Hi Thomas,
1. Click 'View' in the list of options above the 'Financial Summary'
2. In the drop down list I select 'Show all accounts'
From there I thought I could mange the bad account.
Following your suggestions I was able to access the entry and found that
the 'Transactions options' menu entries were all available. I decided to
delete the transaction and remake it, pointing to the correct open
account B1 this time. That worked correctly.
Cool. We got it working.
Post by Eric Watson
I thank all for the assistance given.
In respect of the 'old' version I am using, perhaps you can advise?
As I said, I am using Linux Ubuntu xubuntu and download all packages
from their distributions which results in updates and security being
dealt with by them.
Joe is also using Linux, a Debian version and now has a working new version.
I am not a debian user so I can't give hints on what to do on those distros.
Post by Eric Watson
In respect of version 4.8.2, when I go to the relevant web page, under
"Binary packages are available from related Linux distributions and for
32 and 64 bit Windows from the KDEdownload mirror network
When I access that mirror network I find only src/, win32/ and win64/
are available. I do not see any Linux distribution.
Yes, for Linux distros we provide source code and the distro mainainers package them to installable binaries. The KMyMoney maintainer for the 4.8 branch decided to provide windows binaries as well.
Post by Eric Watson
I dual boot Windows 10 but avoid using it.
I am unsure in what state the windows version is atm so you should try to get an updated *buntu package. Maybe another user can be of help here while maintaining a fallback onto the current version.
Best regards
Post by Eric Watson
Hi Eric,
me again. So my idea of a closed account was in the right direction. I am glad that there is a logical explanation.
When you say, you opened the account, do you mean you selected the ledger view for this account? That is not, what Jack meant. A closed account needs to be re-opened before you can modify transactions in it.
- select the accounts view and right click on the closed account
- select "Reopen account"
- continue by selecting the ledger of this re-opened account,
- right click on the transaction which should not belong there
- select "Move to" and the account you want to have it in.
Now the balance of this (re-opened) account should be zero again and you can close it (using Account/Close) once more.
Hope this helps. If not, please let us know. We are very close to the solution of your problem.
I wonder why you were able to enter this transaction in the first place. Newer versions won't allow you to do that.
Hi Jack,
I did say, I opened the closed account. However the "move" is grayed out
The "move" is available in account A1 but it just moves the origin, not
the destination.
Maybe. Can you reopen that closed account? If so, then you should be
able to go to it's ledger, right click on the transaction, and "move"
it to the correct account. Then re-close the old account. No need to
delete and recreate the transaction.
If that doesn't work, I'll wait for Thomas' suggestion, and maybe he
will have an idea why it allowed you to create a transfer to a closed
account. In addition, in theory, if you hover over the transaction, I
think you really should get a tooltip saying something like "Unable to
edit transaction for account 'name of closed account' which is closed."
Hi Jack,
Sorry about the name confusion.
From your suggestions I have found what has caused the problem but
cannot rectify it.
It also has a name confusion! Last year I had a savings account (now
closed) with a name almost identical to the name of the account B1.
In fact I had to edit the account name to differentiate it
It appears that I made the transfer from A1 to the closed account
and it was accepted without error.
I opened all accounts and found the £500 transfer in the closed
account. However, I cannot delete it from A1 or the closed account.
Are you able to assist now we know the cause?
Hi Jack,
That was Thomas, although we both try to help. :-) Your answers to
my questions also helped clarify the situation, although not what is
actually wrong.
In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows as
a Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed
correctly. I am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I have
also noticed that in addition to the grayed out Transfer pop-up
list, the options above the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal are all
grayed out except for New.
In the context menu, below the move and mark entries, there should
also be two entries like "Go to B1" in one case showing the payee
(Pay To) and the other case (Transfer To) being the account to which
the funds should have gone. If either of those are present, select
them (one separate try for each) to see where it takes you. If
neither is present, I'm a bit at a loss.
I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a problem
with correctly entering Transfers.
Could I have created a black hole?
Unlikely, but it appears that although the correct account shows in
the "Transfer to" field, the money has not shown up there.
One other place to look - in the Payees view, select the payee shown
in the Pay To field (in case it wasn't on the context menu) and see
how the transaction looks there. See what the context menu (right
click) looks like there also.
When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool tip.
No tool tip appears in this case.
The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was
created on 1/6/20
When was account B1 created?
I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data is
consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if your
latest version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the old version.
One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the money
to the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all of the
accounts held in the bank are reconciled with those in KMM. I could
bodge the result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.
Just in case, go to the Accounts view and see if there might be an
"extra" account present you didn't know about. I don't think you
will find one, but clearly things are not behaving how we think they
should, and it's easy enough to look.
Hi Eric,
see my comments inline below
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It
is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
gone missing in KMM!
That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not
have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when
this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category
field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in red
and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be shown
in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the category
must have something in it (thanks to double-entry accounting I am
very sure about this).
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the
total correct.
Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not
appear in
the other in KMM.
Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no
such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
As said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options'
list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which
are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and
edit are
grayed out.
This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse button.
This opens the so called context menu for the transaction.
Hovering means to move the mouse over the transaction and then
waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear. It could be, that
nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney identifies a problem
it will tell you in this tool-tip.
On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the
transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the
account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting
Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why
KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500
transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all
entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place correctly.
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also,
why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
check". It opens ok again without any change.
See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually and
KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about 4.6.6
right now) runs it automatically as part of the save operation. If
you run it manually I expect it not to show any problems.
In case all this does not help, please let us know what you found
out while looking at the various things I mentioned above. We will
get you going.
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment
transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank
does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1.
However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do. If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra? Also, since KMM follows
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction,
we have
to figure out why. If it will let you move or mark it, then it
should let you edit or delete. If you just hover the mouse over
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition? If you save the file, does the consistency check
show any
error about that transaction?
Eric Watson
2018-06-04 15:40:18 UTC

In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.

The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.

eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is correct
but B1 account is £500 short.

I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so the
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.

When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options menu. On
this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only options,
new, move or mark.

Advice would be appreciated please.

2018-06-04 17:28:12 UTC
Are you sure that it was an actual transfer not just a withdrawal?

Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but account
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are £500
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
gone missing in KMM!
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and hopefully,
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the Assets
total correct.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not appear in
the other in KMM.
As said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options' list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and edit are
grayed out.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500 transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place correctly.
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also, why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
check". It opens ok again without any change.
Post by Eric Watson
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so the
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options menu.
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1. However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do. If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra? Also, since KMM follows
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction, we have
to figure out why. If it will let you move or mark it, then it really
should let you edit or delete. If you just hover the mouse over the
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition? If you save the file, does the consistency check show any
error about that transaction?
Eric Watson
2018-06-04 17:36:50 UTC
Hi Timothy,

The bank statement for A1 shows it as a transfer A1 to B1 not a withdrawal.

The bank statement B1 shows it as a receipt by transfer.

Post by timothy
Are you sure that it was an actual transfer not just a withdrawal?
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but account
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are £500
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
gone missing in KMM!
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and hopefully,
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the Assets
total correct.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not appear in
the other in KMM.
As said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options' list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and edit are
grayed out.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500 transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place correctly.
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also, why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
check". It opens ok again without any change.
Post by Eric Watson
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so the
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options menu.
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1. However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do. If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra? Also, since KMM follows
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction, we have
to figure out why. If it will let you move or mark it, then it really
should let you edit or delete. If you just hover the mouse over the
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition? If you save the file, does the consistency check show any
error about that transaction?
Eric Watson
2018-06-04 22:23:03 UTC
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the heads up on using the new version. However I believe that
installing across flavours adds in a lot of extra 'stuff'. I prefer to
stick with my current sources.

Post by Joe Harrington
Being a newbee, I can't chime in on Eric's real problem, but I noticed
Eric is using an old verison because he obtained it from ubuntu, I am
using the current version with Kubuntu (18.04). I think I got it in a
debian package but it installed and works just fine.
Joe Harrington
Hi Jack,
I did say, I opened the closed account. However the "move" is grayed
out too.
The "move" is available in account A1 but it just moves the origin,
not the destination.
Maybe. Can you reopen that closed account?  If so, then you should
be able to go to it's ledger, right click on the transaction, and
"move" it to the correct account.  Then re-close the old account. No
need to delete and recreate the transaction.
If that doesn't work, I'll wait for Thomas' suggestion, and maybe he
will have an idea why it allowed you to create a transfer to a
closed account.  In addition, in theory, if you hover over the
transaction, I think you really should get a tooltip saying
something like "Unable to edit transaction for account 'name of
closed account' which is closed."
Hi Jack,
Sorry about the name confusion.
From your suggestions I have found what has caused the problem but
cannot rectify it.
It also has a name confusion! Last year I had a savings account
(now closed) with a name almost identical to the name of the
account B1. In fact I had to edit the account name to differentiate it
 It appears that I made the transfer from A1 to the closed account
and it was accepted without error.
I opened all accounts and found the £500 transfer in the closed
account. However, I cannot delete it from A1 or the closed account.
Are you able to assist now we know the cause?
Hi Jack,
That was Thomas, although we both try to help. :-)  Your answers
to my questions also helped clarify the situation, although not
what is actually wrong.
In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows
as a Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed
correctly. I am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I
have also noticed that in addition to the grayed out Transfer
pop-up list, the options above the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal
are all grayed out except for New.
In the context menu, below the move and mark entries, there should
also be two entries like "Go to B1" in one case showing the payee
(Pay To) and the other case (Transfer To) being the account to
which the funds should have gone.  If either of those are present,
select them (one separate try for each) to see where it takes
you.  If neither is present, I'm a bit at a loss.
I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a
problem with correctly entering Transfers.
Could I have created a black hole?
Unlikely, but it appears that although the correct account shows
in the "Transfer to" field, the money has not shown up there.
One other place to look - in the Payees view, select the payee
shown in the Pay To field (in case it wasn't on the context menu)
and see how the transaction looks there. See what the context menu
(right click) looks like there also.
When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool
tip. No tool tip appears in this case.
The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was
created on 1/6/20
When was account B1 created?
I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data
is consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if
your latest version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the
old version.
One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the
money to the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all
of the accounts held in the bank are reconciled with those in
KMM. I could bodge the result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.
Just in case, go to the Accounts view and see if there might be an
"extra" account present you didn't know about.  I don't think you
will find one, but clearly things are not behaving how we think
they should, and it's easy enough to look.
Hi Eric,
see my comments inline below
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly.
It is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets
are £500
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!).
£500 has
gone missing in KMM!
That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not
have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when
this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category
field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in
red and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be
shown in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the
category must have something in it (thanks to double-entry
accounting I am very sure about this).
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making
the Assets
total correct.
Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not
appear in
the other in KMM.
Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no
such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
As  said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options'
list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which
are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and
edit are
grayed out.
This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse
button. This opens the so called context menu for the
transaction. Hovering means to move the mouse over the
transaction and then waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear.
It could be, that nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney
identifies a problem it will tell you in this tool-tip.
On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the
transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the
account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting
Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why
KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500
transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all
entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also,
why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by,
check". It opens ok again without any change.
See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually
and KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about
4.6.6 right now) runs it automatically as part of the save
operation. If you run it manually I expect it not to show any
In case all this does not help, please let us know what you
found out while looking at the various things I mentioned above.
We will get you going.
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment
transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it
so the
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer
options menu.
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank
does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1.
However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do.  If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra?  Also, since KMM
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction,
we have
to figure out why.  If it will let you move or mark it, then
it really
should let you edit or delete.  If you just hover the mouse
over the
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition?  If you save the file, does the consistency check
show any
error about that transaction?
Eric Watson
2018-06-04 21:14:37 UTC
Hi Thomas,

I followed your link but it only contains explanations of the anonymous
file system but not how to deal with it or create it. Even if it did
give enough information I would certainly hesitate to send my KMM in any
form, sorry.

Anyway, by a suggestion given from Jack, I have found the cause.

Please check my answer to Jack.

Hi Eric,
No need to send the anon file to the list (please feel free to send it to me directly).
Hi Jack,
In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows as a
Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed correctly. I
am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I have also noticed that
in addition to the grayed out Transfer pop-up list, the options above
the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal are all grayed out except for New.
I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a problem with
correctly entering Transfers.
Could I have created a black hole?
When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool tip. No
tool tip appears in this case.
The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was created on
I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data is
consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if your latest
version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the old version.
One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the money to
the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all of the accounts
held in the bank are reconciled with those in KMM. I could bodge the
result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.
Hi Eric,
see my comments inline below
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but account
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are £500
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
gone missing in KMM!
That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in red and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be shown in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the category must have something in it (thanks to double-entry accounting I am very sure about this).
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and hopefully,
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the Assets
total correct.
Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not appear in
the other in KMM.
Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
As said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options' list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and edit are
grayed out.
This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse button. This opens the so called context menu for the transaction. Hovering means to move the mouse over the transaction and then waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear. It could be, that nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney identifies a problem it will tell you in this tool-tip.
On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500 transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place correctly.
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also, why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
check". It opens ok again without any change.
See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually and KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about 4.6.6 right now) runs it automatically as part of the save operation. If you run it manually I expect it not to show any problems.
In case all this does not help, please let us know what you found out while looking at the various things I mentioned above. We will get you going.
Post by Eric Watson
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so the
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options menu.
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1. However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do. If you delete the transaction
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra? Also, since KMM follows
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction, we have
to figure out why. If it will let you move or mark it, then it really
should let you edit or delete. If you just hover the mouse over the
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition? If you save the file, does the consistency check show any
error about that transaction?
2018-06-04 21:20:28 UTC

We can leave the rest of the detective work in the other thread, but
the whole point of creating an anonymous version of your file, is that
it replaces all the important data (account names and numbers, and all
the transaction amounts) with random data, so there is nothing actually
identifying left in the file. However, the account structure is still
intact, so it is possible to find bad transactions and such, to help
figure out how they might have happened. I'll have to follow that link
later, to see if I can improve the instructions on how to actually
create the anonymous file. (It's done using the "Save as.." and
ticking the appropriate box, although I haven't done it myself in quite
some time.)

Post by Eric Watson
Hi Thomas,
I followed your link but it only contains explanations of the
anonymous file system but not how to deal with it or create it. Even
if it did give enough information I would certainly hesitate to send
my KMM in any form, sorry.
Anyway, by a suggestion given from Jack, I have found the cause.
Please check my answer to Jack.
Hi Eric,
this is strange. One more thing I could think of: did account B1 got
closed by accident, though I doubt that because you should not be
able to enter any new transactions into it? If that is not the case,
No need to send the anon file to the list (please feel free to send it to me directly).
Hi Jack,
In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows as a
Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed
correctly. I
am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I have also noticed that
in addition to the grayed out Transfer pop-up list, the options above
the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal are all grayed out except for New.
I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a problem with
correctly entering Transfers.
Could I have created a black hole?
When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool tip. No
tool tip appears in this case.
The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was created on
I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data is
consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if your latest
version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the old version.
One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the money to
the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all of the accounts
held in the bank are reconciled with those in KMM. I could bodge the
result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.
Hi Eric,
see my comments inline below
Hi Jack,
The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It is the
entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but account
B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are £500
less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
gone missing in KMM!
That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not
have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when
this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category
field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in red
and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be shown
in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the category
must have something in it (thanks to double-entry accounting I am
very sure about this).
If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and hopefully,
this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the Assets
total correct.
Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not appear in
the other in KMM.
Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no
such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
As said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options' list when
hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which are not
grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and edit are
grayed out.
This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse button.
This opens the so called context menu for the transaction.
Hovering means to move the mouse over the transaction and then
waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear. It could be, that
nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney identifies a problem
it will tell you in this tool-tip.
On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the
transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the
account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting
Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why
KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500 transfer from
A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all entries are
available, none grayed out and the transaction took place
The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also, why did
the transfer not appear in the other account?
I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by,
check". It opens ok again without any change.
See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually and
KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about 4.6.6
right now) runs it automatically as part of the save operation. If
you run it manually I expect it not to show any problems.
In case all this does not help, please let us know what you found
out while looking at the various things I mentioned above. We will
get you going.
Post by Eric Watson
In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment transfer of
funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
originating account as transferred.
eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
correct but B1 account is £500 short.
I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so the
transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options menu.
On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
options, new, move or mark.
Advice would be appreciated please.
Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank does show
the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1.
However, I am
not sure what you are trying to do. If you delete the
from A1, then will it not have £500 extra? Also, since KMM follows
the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
account has to be added to some other account.
However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction, we have
to figure out why. If it will let you move or mark it, then it really
should let you edit or delete. If you just hover the mouse over the
transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
condition? If you save the file, does the consistency check show any
error about that transaction?